Why Low Amazon ACOS is Bad for Amazon Sellers?

Every Amazon seller dreams of a low ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale). It signifies efficient campaigns, a healthy return on investment, and a path to profitability. But hold on a minute! While a low ACoS is generally a good thing, it's not always the ultimate goal. Let's delve deeper into the world of ACoS and understand why, in some cases, a slightly higher ACoS might be exactly what you need.

What is Amazon ACoS?

Imagine you spend $20 on advertising and it generates $100 in sales. Your ACoS would be 20%. This metric essentially tells you how much advertising expense it takes to generate a single dollar of sales. So, a lower ACoS means you're spending less on ads to achieve the same sales volume.

How to Calculate Amazon ACoS?

The formula is pretty straightforward:

ACoS (%) = (Advertising Cost) / (Total Sales from Ads) x 100

So, if you spent $50 on ads and generated $150 in sales from those ads, your ACoS would be (50 / 150) x 100 = 33.33%.

What a Good ACoS on Amazon?

There's no magic number for a "good" ACoS. It depends on your product's profit margin, competition level, and advertising goals. Generally, a lower ACoS is desired, but it shouldn't come at the expense of other crucial aspects.

A Low ACoS Isn't the Only Factor

While a low ACoS is certainly desirable, it shouldn't be your sole focus. Here's why:

  • Limited Growth: Obsessively chasing a rock-bottom ACoS might restrict your ability to expand your reach. By being overly cautious with ad spend, you could miss out on potential customers who might be reached with slightly higher bids.
  • Reaching New Customers: Sometimes, reaching new customers requires more targeted advertising, which can lead to a higher ACoS initially. However, the long-term benefit of acquiring loyal customers can outweigh the short-term cost.

  • Testing and Optimization: Constantly testing different ad strategies and keywords is essential for optimizing your campaigns. This testing might lead to temporary fluctuations in ACoS, but the learnings gained can ultimately lead to a more efficient and profitable strategy.

Why Having a Higher ACoS Could Be Necessary?

Here are some scenarios where a higher ACoS might actually benefit you:

  • New Product Launch: When launching a new product, it's crucial to generate awareness and build brand recognition. A higher ACoS during this initial phase can help increase product visibility and drive traffic to your listing.
  • Competitive Market: In highly competitive categories, you might need to invest more in advertising to get your product seen. A higher ACoS could be the price of admission to reach your target audience effectively.
  • Seasonal Products: For products with seasonal spikes in demand, a temporary increase in ACoS can ensure you're capturing those peak sales windows.

Conclusion :

While a low ACoS is generally a positive sign, it shouldn't be your only metric of success. Consider your overall business goals and advertising strategy. Sometimes, a strategically higher ACoS can be a stepping stone to achieve long-term success.

Optimizing your ACoS requires careful analysis, strategic decision-making, and ongoing campaign management. Consider partnering with an experienced Amazon PPC agency like Pixenite (we can help!). Our team can help you develop an effective advertising strategy that balances a healthy ACoS with your broader business objectives.


Q. How can I improve my ACoS?

There are lots of ways! Research keywords, make your product listings amazing, use the right "negative keywords" to avoid bad searches, and try different ad designs.

Q. Should I always aim for the lowest possible ACoS?

No, it entirely depends on the situation. Consider your profit margin, advertising goals, and overall business strategy to determine the ideal ACoS for your situation.

Q. How can I track my ACoS?

You can easily track your ACoS within the Amazon Seller Central advertising dashboard.

By understanding the nuances of ACoS and taking a holistic approach to your advertising strategy, you can unlock greater success on the Amazon marketplace.

Article Source : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-low-amazon-acos-bad-sellers-pixeniteofficial-qdqjc/

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