Guide for Building a Website Redesign Strategy


"Design is the silent ambassador of your brand."

-Paul Rand

If you think website design is all about beautiful colors and pictures, you are wrong. The website is one of the important assets of the business. The purpose of a website is not limited to providing information, but it is more than that. You might think that it is just designed, but how will it make a difference? Well, it does make a huge difference. Did you know it takes less than half a minute for a user to decide whether to continue exploring the website or leave? To support our claim with facts, we have showcase some stats:

Stats about the website design

It takes only 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about a website.

39% of users are drawn to color more than any other visual elements in a website.

59% prefer browsing “beautiful and well-designed” websites over basic websites.

75% of website credibility comes from design.

These stats might be shocking, but this is the bitter truth of the digital era. Your user expects no mistakes; well, in this piece of writing, we will help you figure out if your website needs a redesign. If yes, then how should you plan a website redesign? You can contact a reliable website design company in Ahmedabad to save yourself from all homework.

What is Website Redesign?

Website redesign is defined as the process of updating and changing significant elements like structure, code, content, navigation, and visuals of the current website to enhance the overall user experience. Experienced UI/UX design company can evaluate the needs of users. Website redesign is useful to boost revenue, lower bounce rates, and enhance user experience.

Benefits of Website Redesign:

Improved performance and boosted page speed.

Give an edge over competitors when their sites are old.

Lower bounce rate and exit rate.Help to achieve website goals.

Boost branding of the website online.

Improve user experience, which may attract potential customers.

What is an Ideal Time to Redesign a Website?

As per the study, the average lifespan of a website is between 1.5 to 2.5 years. Wondering, why so short. Well, with the frequently changing trends and technological advancement, this average time helps to feel fresh and competitive. You must consider a website redesign service if you think your website is stale and old.

How to Redesign a Website?

Your website is a platform where visitors ask certain questions, purchase products/services, or read the content. So, that is the reason why you need to prepare a little extra when thinking about website redesign. If you need help figuring out how and where to start, we recommend you read the entire blog to make it right.

01 Consider Current Performance Metrics As Standard

Before anything else, jot down the current performance details of your website and then decide what metrics that need to improve in the redesign process. The best way to do it is by collecting data for the following metrics:

Bounce rate

Total indexed pages

Number of visitors, visits, &

unique visitors

Total sales generated (value)

Total pages that have to receive traffic

Time on site

Total new leads

Total form submission

Top-performing keywords with details like rank, traffic, & lead generated

02 Redesign Goal

Before you begin, it is very important to have a goal you wish to achieve by redesigning the website. There should be a logical goal; if you think that “it’s been a while, website design has not been updated,” this is not the reason. Always consider data-driven objectives and following factors might give you some ideas:

To reduce the bounce rate

Increase the flow of new leads and form submission

To increase the time spent by users on the website

To boost sales generated value

To improve current search engine ranking

To boost domain authority

To boost visitor visits

These factors might be interlinked, and you can also consider other factors for your goal.

03 Consistent

Well, consistency is the key when it comes to winning the trust of the users. Consistency is not limited to social media feed as it is equally important in the website. Be clear about the message, branding, and unique elements you wish to showcase on your website. The website homepage should be designed or showcased in such a way that it should be able to tell what the company does and what services they offer. Please don’t make it a hedge maze. Here the mantra of success lies in using clear and concise language.

04 Consider Buyer Persona

A buyer persona is defined as who your target audience/buyer is, the challenges they face, and how they make a decision. It is done with the help of market research, CRM tools, social media audience insights, surveys, and focus groups. Clearly defining the buyer persona can make a clear strategy to attract potential buyers. While doing all this, ensure to have the answer to questions like if your target audience is changing with the website redesign and how you will align your branding and content with the audience.

05 Save Search Engine Optimized Page

The competition on the search engine’s top rankings is very high. Imagine you have great products/services, but how will it be beneficial for you if your target audience cannot find them? Use analytics tools to find pages that have the most traffic, links, and leads. If you plan to move these pages, then use the 301 redirect strategy, where one can signal a permanent redirect from one URL to another.

06 Consider Competition

We here, are not asking you to get obsessed with competitors, but it is advisable that you must know what your competitors are doing and how the audience is responding to it. Study their website and note down what they have and what they do not, and try to make their limitations as your strength to beat them.

07 Make The Right Choice In Software

The last but most important step is choosing the right software to execute the entire redesign plan. All you need is content management system software to develop, design, and publish the website. There are a plethora of CMS available, and based on your business, you can choose the right software.

Important Elements for Quality Web Design

01 Easy Navigation

One must remember that your website is not a maze puzzle, so keep it simple. Users have visited the website to access quick information. Keep the navigation bar at the top with a direct path. If navigation is poor, then users will get frustrated, and there is a high chance that they will exit the website. Since the attention span of today’s users is very short, keep the navigation simple and self-explanatory. But while doing this, also ensure that it should be clutter-free as it includes broad headings and subheadings very clearly.

02 Responsive Design

With the increased usage of mobile devices, responsive design has become another important element in quality web design. Your audience can access your website from a multitude of devices, including tablets, smartphones, and desktops. Good responsive design ensures that your audience can have a good experience on your website, irrespective of the device they are using to access the website.

03 Style Guide

We said this earlier; we will say it again that consistency is very important. Consistency helps your business grab some eyeballs and get recognition. The best way to keep consistency on track is with a style guide. It basically gives you an idea of how your website will look. Here you will decide on typography, color, format, and everything for every page of your website. While adding any new element on one page, ensure that changes are reflected on the entire website. This helps customers to stay a while longer, and chances of conversion get high.

04 Visuals

Do you know users are ten times more likely to interact with a video than text? But remember that websites crowded with images and videos also don’t do well. A perfect balance between visuals and text on the page can create a great impact. Don’t just add visuals because it’s trending or for vague reasons; use them wisely to keep users engaged.

05 Quality Content

Words matter; quality words matter the most. While writing for a website, keep in mind that not all readers will read your content, so it should be skimmable. Keep the tone and writing style in check, as they should be consistent.

06 Speed Matters

Above all, speed matters the most as no beautiful design, no quality content, or anything will keep users if your website is taking a lot of loading time. Your audience will not wait for long to load the website and this will lead to a rise in bounce rate, and an advantage to competitors.

Build your Website

After reading and understanding it, we are sure that you can figure out how to redesign the website strategically. We hope that these above-discussed points will help to create a successful website redesign strategy. If you are looking to redesign the website, then Pixenite is the right choice for you. We have a team of talented and creative web designers who can give your website a fresh and trendy look.

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