How A+ Listings Impact Your Amazon Sales

In today's competitive online marketplace, standing out from the crowd is crucial for Amazon sellers. High-quality product listings are your storefront window, and they need to be informative, engaging, and persuasive to convert viewers into buyers. This is where Amazon A+ Listings come in.

What are Amazon A+ Listings?

Amazon A+ Listings (formerly Enhanced Brand Content) is a powerful tool for registered brand owners on Amazon. It allows you to create visually rich and informative product pages that go beyond the standard product description and bullet points.

Here's what you can include in an A+ Listing:

  • High-quality images: Showcase your product from multiple angles, including lifestyle shots that demonstrate its use in real-world scenarios.
  • Enhanced descriptions: Go beyond the basic 2,000-character limit and provide detailed information about your product's features and benefits.
  • Comparison charts: Help customers understand how your product stacks up against the competition.
  • Brand story: Connect with your audience by sharing your brand's mission, values, and what makes your products unique.
  • Videos: Bring your product to life with engaging product demonstration videos.

The Benefits of Using A+ Listings

Increased Sales: Studies by Amazon suggest that A+ Listings can increase sales. This is because A+ Listings provide a more immersive and informative shopping experience, making it easier for customers to understand the value proposition of your product.

Improved Conversion Rates: A+ Listings can significantly improve your click-through rates and conversion rates. By capturing attention with high-quality visuals and clear messaging, you can entice customers to learn more about your product and ultimately add it to their cart.

Enhanced Brand Storytelling:  A+ Listings allow you to go beyond just selling a product and tell your brand story. You can connect with customers on an emotional level by showcasing your brand's values and what makes you unique.

Reduced Customer Returns:  A+ Listings can help to reduce customer returns by providing clear and comprehensive information about your product. This leads to fewer misunderstandings and ensures customers receive exactly what they expect.

Improved Search Ranking:  While not explicitly confirmed by Amazon, some sellers report that A+ Listings may improve your product's search ranking within the platform. This is likely because A+ Listings often include relevant keywords that can be picked up by Amazon's search algorithms.

Getting Started with A+ Listings

To create A+ Listings, you'll need to be registered with Amazon Brand Registry. Once enrolled, you can access the A+ Content Manager tool through Seller Central. The tool offers a user-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality to create compelling product pages.

Here are some tips for creating effective A+ Listings:

  • Focus on high-quality visuals: Invest in professional product photography and lifestyle images.
  • Write clear and concise copy: Highlight the key features and benefits of your product in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Use strong calls to action: Encourage customers to learn more or add your product to their cart.
  • Target relevant keywords: Use keywords that customers are likely to search for when looking for products like yours.


By leveraging Amazon A+ Listings, you can create a more engaging and informative shopping experience for your customers. This can lead to increased sales, improved brand awareness, and a more competitive edge in the Amazon marketplace.

Pixenite can help you develop a comprehensive Amazon strategy that includes creating high-impact A+ Listings. We have a team of experienced designers and copywriters who can help you showcase your products in the best possible light.


Q. Do A+ Listings cost anything? 

A+ Listings are free to use for registered brand owners on Amazon. However, you may incur costs for professional photography, video production, and image creation.

Q. Can I create A+ Listings for all my products?

Yes, you can create A+ Listings for any product enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry program.

Q. How long does it take to create an A+ Listing? 

The time it takes to create an A+ Listing will vary depending on the complexity of your design. However, with a little planning, you can create professional-looking A+ Listings in a relatively short amount of time.

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