What are TOP Holiday Marketing Tips for 2022 that You Cannot Skip?


Holiday season is one of the busiest times for business, especially ecommerce business and the holiday season 2022 is no different. Whether it is about freshening up the landing page or boosting brand awareness or finding a new target audience, the tasks seem just endless. Phew! So much to do, right? Well in this hectic situation, we can lend our hand and can come handy by offering you some of the essential marketing tips for Holiday 2022. If you are not sure how to do it, consider taking help from the best digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad.

Holiday shopping season formally starts with Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales and last still Christmas & New Year. Even though it is around the corner, you can still make a great impact, get ready to rock the holiday season with some undefeatable marketing plans.

But before that, Let's have a quick glance at something very important.

Things to Keep in Mind for holiday marketing campaign 

Elements to keep in mind while planning success fulholiday marketing campaign:

Understand your Target Audience 

Understand your Target Audience

Before anything else, one thing that all of you need to do is define your target audience and collect data insights accordingly. Learn about them like their preferred channel, mode of consumption like desktop, mobile or tablet, their taste, etc. These insights help to form a strategic idea about them.

Study Past Marketing Campaigns

Study Past Marketing Campaigns

Learning from the past campaign can help to figure out many things about the targeted audience and their preferences. Collecting and analyzing all these information helps to form opinions and draw judgment. After this you can create a thoughtful and impactful marketing campaign for your business.

Set Your Goals

Set Your Goals

Working towards an undefined goal or direction cannot be helpful for any business. Of Course while setting goals ensure that you avoid copying exact strategies or campaigns that your competitors are doing, as it won’t be of any help, in fact it will damage the reputation of the brand. Keep the targeted audience in mind, set goals accordingly. For example, there should be different strategies for Gen Z and Millennial and different ideas will work for generation X.



Measuring KPIs is a very vital step in holiday marketing campaign strategy as it helps to achieve a fixed percentage of growth in sales. Ensure to checkout a digital marketing company in Ahmedabad. Take the help of customer engagement tools and offer your potential customers an excellent holiday buying experience.

Holiday Marketing Tips for 2022

Follow the tips and get ready to enjoy your piece of holiday pie.

1. Give Festive Vibes to Your Website

Imbibe the vibes of festivity by personalizing your website for a marketing campaign. Revamp home page design according to a holiday theme which will help to boost positive vibes, high customer engagement and better user experience. Here are few tips to personalize website design for holiday season vibes:

  • Keep the message clear
  • Add personalized greetings
  • Create pop-ups
  • Boost loading speed
  • Highlight festive CTAs 

2. Early Access to Some Customers

Reward your old customers or new customers by giving early access before the holiday rush. This initiative of yours, boosts the trust of your customers as they will feel special and valuable as they get the best deal before everyone else. Here are quick benefits of giving access to customers:

  • Help to retain old customers with exclusive deals and offers.
  • It gives a sense of exclusivity and special treatment, which helps to boost brand’s loyalty.
  • It helps to avoid chaos as you can manage early sales and can understand the changing taste of customers which helps to take early action in case of any deviation in the original plan.

3. Spread Good Words About Giveaway on Social Media

One of the fruitful ways to boost engagement, increase followers, and create buzz on social media is through giveaways. By organizing giveaways you can study the kind of people who are interested in upcoming holiday sales and your brand. Based on such data, you can work out effective plans to make the best of the holiday season. 

4. Holiday Promotion Video Way

Don’t hesitate, if not now, then when? Incorporate video in your marketing as it is the best way to capture emotions, expression and we as humans can connect to visuals more than anything else, at least this is what studies say. Here are quick tips to create witty video promotion:

  • Be original! Try to include original shoot footage otherwise stock footage can do a fair amount of work.
  • Establish holiday themes in the background by imbibing holiday props like christmas tree, snow, wrapped gifts, etc.
  • Include video links in email marketing and social media channels.
  • Hire a professional videographer to do the job.

5. Email Marketing Campaign is Still Effective

If you think email is dead, well you need to reconsider your statement, but it is one of the preferred choices for launching new products, advertising campaigns, grabbing new leads and more. It is one of the budget friendly and effective tools to generate leads especially for small and medium scale businesses especially when the budget is a constraint. You can make best use of email marketing for:

  • Announcing holiday sales: Send email to your existing subscribers to tell them about the upcoming sales and details associated with it.
  • Conditional discounts: Once after establishing connection with subscribers informing them about conditional discounts is a great way to boost sales. During the holiday season, customers are ready to spend money and the word discount gives them a push to buy more.
  • Wish them on occasion: Wishing them on eve of christmas or other holidays helps to create a special bond with the brand.
  • Gentle reminder: One or two gentle reminder emails about the going sales urge customers to shop before it ends is a clear way to remind them about your brand.

6. Create Buzz with Flash Deals

Mix customers’ curiosity with mystery to get the best holiday marketing results. Create campaigns to flash sale deals so users can come back. Generally people offer 10-20% discount to create buzz around the brand but the successful offers deep discounts. Offer discounts on limited time for limited items to create a sense of missing out. FOMO is an important tool to boost sales value, but ensure to use it in most creative ways otherwise it may become one of the worst campaigns. 

7. Put Social Proofs into Best Use

Incorporating social proofs in terms of photographs, reviews or stories instill confidence of potential customers in the brand. It provides validation for other customers and evokes the trust factor, which ultimately helps to increase sales. It not only boosts sales but also reduces cart abandonment situations. That is why online businesses work so hard to get the reviews from clients. Even study suggests that 91% of shoppers look online before making a purchase, so now you have understood why’s it important?  

8. Consider DIGe

Yes, here we are talking about taking diversity, gender equality, and inclusion into consideration as performance and all these factors go hand in hand. Even influencer marketing is able to get better results when they are able to represent the lives of the audience who experience them. Reevaluate your marketing strategy and remove any content that showcases biases towards a particular gender, color, or religion. 

Hefty Holiday Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

1.  Last Minute Planning

Last minute is a big NO, even if you are a giant enterprise like Amazon, Apple or a small startup. You can avoid overwhelming situations by starting much ahead of the time to avoid potential loss or hefty traffic on websites which further become reasons for website crash or some terrible situation.

2.  Lack of Paid Advertising Investment

Investing in paid advertising is a great way to reach new customers and retain old ones. Running ads for targeted audiences helps to get more fruitful results compared to unpaid ones. Encourage potential customers who have left cart to complete the order.

3.  Poor Checkout Experience

Keep checkout flawless or smooth by minimizing the number of fields in the checkout form. Unfriendly design or too much chaos at the checkout time irritate customers and they end up leaving the page. Keep is clutter free, speedy and most important secured. 

4.  Not Leveraging Mobile Sales

The number of mobile devices has outnumbered desktop and that is why it is important that your website be mobile responsive. Now more people are using mobile devices to access their email, shopping and interact with a website. If your website is not mobile responsive, time to get an upgrade. 

Conclusive Words

With the right planning and team you can make an effective holiday marketing strategy to make the most for your seasonal sales. As an ecommerce business owner you have a plethora of options to offer to your customers. But if you are running out of time and not sure about how to do it, then we recommend hiring digital marketing experts in Ahmedabad. Pixenite is a choice for many businesses and every time we have proved our worth, you can discover your personalized marketing strategy by scheduling a call with us.

Article Source: https://www.pixenite.com/what-are-top-holiday-marketing-tips-for-2022-that-you-cannot-skip/

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